So this week I have been able to start working with the Asian Relief team that is stationed here, which is a really good way to meet cousins and other people to make relationships and find People of Peace. I have been training on how to tell stories, what I should expect when going into villages, and tons more language. Its been really fun working with the believing people here and making friendships with them.
I've been getting used to the city and learning my way around on buses and autos, with the occasional bike rickshaw! I find the bike rickshaws very awkward because the seat is tilted forward and I pay so little to be taken however far. I've always overpaid because I'm white, but I still pay less than 20 cents! The buses are a little better. They cost about the same amount, but there are tons of people on a bus so I can feel a little better about how much I'm paying. Sometimes there are no seats though, and then it gets very hot and uncomfortable! I am taller than the average person here, and the buses weren't made for someone so tall! the autos are the most expensive, but they are also the fastest and most comfortable. They go directly without stopping for other passagers, they're small enough to fit through small gaps in traffic, and you ride them alone with doors. I like to look out the windows (just openings, there are no coverings like glass or plastic over them, it is too hot for that - you want the breeze!) at all the buildings and people. As long as I'm not feeling sick the auto is very fun, but the bus is a better place to meet people. I was on the bus last week going to the vegetable market and I wasn't very sure where that was. I got like four people to help me and they made sure I got off where I needed to and pointed me in the right direction. They are so helpful!
I was on my way to the training center last week and I left my directions at home, and the girl I was meeting had forgotten her phone. So, I rode the bus and told them what I knew and I got there right away and was even 2 minutes early (which if you've ever met me somewhere, you know that is not usual)! Then I waited for my friend for 45 minutes :) I like that part of the culture though, me and other friend sat around talking and playing with some num-chucks we found! (I have pictures that I will post as soon as I can!!)
Thanks for all your yarper and support it makes a world of difference over here!!!