Friday, October 30, 2009

I was laying in bed one morning when Dad told me to try and turn on my computer. When my computer had broken for the first time, Dad kept telling me that He is in control of my computer so I would try to turn it on every day or so. the second time it broke however, I did not try very often. So when I woke up and Dad told me to turn it on, I realised my mistake! I hadn't been trusting! Well as soon as I pushed the on button it came on :). This was one week ago, one week before my big (humongous) cultural paper was due for class. All in Dad's timing:D!!

The teachers at the school took me out on Tuesday. I hadn't seen them in two weeks because of testing, and they missed me very much! I am teaching at the end of the day now, so the teachers were able to leave with me as we finished classes. Our first stop was to eat some very questionable street food. It was a small bread thing with spicy water inside. I am definitely NOT supposed to drink the water! I ate three of them though, before I convinced them it was too spicy to go on (not a lie!). It was great fun though, it felt dangerous, and therefore I enjoyed it very much :D Then we went over to one to the teachers houses and they taught me how to make Lucies. Then they gave me some spicy coconut! That was very interesting!!

It is weird being so close to leaving. Part of me is becoming so comfortable with the people around me, knowing that I am finally starting to understand things, finally knowing how to interact, finally having enough language to be good friends, and finally having strong relationships with people. The other part of me is very excited about the things going on back home, ready to see what life after graduation will be like, ready to try and apply the things I have learned in an American setting, and ready to blend in with everyone else. Sometimes I feel like I have done so much and had so many cool opportunities, and sometimes I feel like I need another 6 months to finish what I have started. But I can't get lost in all this analysis! I need to focus on the people in front of me that I am only with for a week and a half more!

I'm headed out to my first home-stay family tomorrow to say my last goodbye. This will be a tough one, I'm saying goodbye to Rema and Sosmita, my first friends here on the other side of the world. Rema was my personal protector and guide to the village, and Sosmita was the first person to be sarcastic and mean to me (in a good way). Those that know me will know that she was speaking my language :D So now I am going to say goodbye to them, and it will be very hard.

Next week I will be traveling upstate to visit some more friends that I met once and fell in love with. One little girl in particular is the whole reason I am going the distance! I am excited to talk and laugh with her one more time, and tell her the importance of accepting the son. She is a cousin, and about 14, yarp that He gives and controls the conversations so that the time can be blessed.

Well that is all for now, keep me in your yarpers as I prepare to leave! Thanks!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So a lot has been happening lately! With only a month left, things are getting pretty busy here. I just got back from visiting one of my home stay families for the last time, and it was a wonderful trip :) Home stays are much more fun when I know some language! We went on a weekend vacation last week to a mountain town nearby and had some cold weather, which is very much appreciated in this constant heat. This weekend I get to go ride some elephants with a national friend, so I'm excited to ride my favorite animal ever, but also to have some good time with my national friend that I haven't gotten to speak to much lately.
To give an update on Loni, she is still reading the Word we've given her and listening to the stories on a CD, and she is very interested. Yarp that Dad can use me a ton in this last month that I'm here, but I also see how he is raising up others to continue with her while I am gone.
My school is having exams for a couple of weeks, so I have to take another two weeks off from the stories I am telling them, but if I work right up till I leave I should be able to finish up the story set I wanted to share with them! I can see the Word working in some of those faces, and it is such a joy to hear them surprised and intrigued by the stories, and to really get involved with the people they portray. There is also a teacher who has become my friend, and I've gotten to go to her house and talk with her, so it is good to be building the relationships outside of the school.
We've had a lot of visitors lately and the house hasn't been very quiet or relaxing for a couple of weeks now. It has been good to help me with language, but I can feel it taking a toll on me for not having any alone time. Yarp that I can find ways to be more creative about getting alone time in with Dad that isn't hurried and is more private.
With all the stories and opportunities going on around me, I can feel the effects of being more active than the enemy desires. I am having a hard time seeing how to get through these last weeks and fell as if a very heavey burden is on me. Yarp that I can see through all of this clearly, and fully do Dad's work in these last few weeks.
I am also sad to say that my computer has broken again and is going on the shelf. I have a lot of papers and email responsibilities especially as my time is getting busier and drawing to a close. My roommates are being very gracious to me to let me use theirs, but it is hard to work my busy schedule into theirs so that I can have sufficient computer time.
Thank you for all your yarps, I know that they will be very helpful, and Dad will use them to do his work here in the next month and beyond.